The Obiye Academy Unique Tutorial and Study Abroad Consulting has come a long way. It is a department that is structured to meet the tutoring and admissions need of students to study in Nigeria or abroad. A department that epitomizes international best practices, that is geared towards excellence.
Over the years we have tutored, sourced and secured admissions for students to study in universities all over the world, particularly the United States, United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, Germany, etc. and with partial and full scholarships recorded.
To provide the best as far as Nursery, Primary and Secondary education is concerned. To raise and nurture well balanced, eagle focused, dependable, young elites whom the future of this country and the world at large can be entrusted into their hands.
It is worthy to note that, we are a force to reckon with when it comes to tutoring for the national examinations such as JAMB UTME, WAEC and GCE, and international examinations, such as SAT, TOEFL, IELTS, GRE and IGCSE. Our partners such as the British Council, CIE (Cambridge International Examinations) UK, College Board USA, ETS (Education Test Service) USA, can all attest to this fact.
General Information On National Exams Tutorials
JAMB UTME / WAEC – Registration for tutorials usually commence by October and classes begins at mid-October and run through to the start of the JAMB/WAEC examination by March. The tutorial forms can be obtained at the said time for at N300, and N5,000 for tutorial registration per month.
General Information On International Exams Tutorials
- IELTS – Registration for tutorials is dependent on the individual chosen time to take the test. But as soon as this is known we can commence tutorials for the exam after the sum of N30,000 for tutorials, N15,000 for textbook and audio visual materials and N80,000 for the IELTS registration have been paid. For more information on test date and centers. https://www.britishcouncil.org.ng/exam/ielts/dates-fees-locations.
- SAT– Students wishing to study an undergraduate degree in the US, Canada and other countries can take the test. However registration for the test is done four times a year outside the US. Consequently our tutorials for SAT are also planned in such a way that it flows with Collegeboard calendar. The normal N30,000 for tutorials, N15,000 for textbook and audio visual materials is equally maintained here, however registration for the SAT examination is N60,000 only. For more information on test date and centers. https://collegereadiness.collegeboard.org/sat/register/dates-deadlines.
- TOEFL – Kindly refer to IELTS information above. But for more information on test dates and centers. https://www.ets.org/toefl/ibt/register/centers_dates/
- GRE – This test is specifically meant for candidates wishing to study a postgraduate program mainly in the US and Canada. Registration for this test also depends on the individual chosen time to take the test, as the exams runs twice a month throughout the year.
General Information On The Obiye Academy Study Abroad Consulting
With respect to our expertise in tutoring students for international exams, and our close ties with universities abroad, we deem it to necessary to provide a world class service to meet the admission needs of prospective students to study abroad.
Our services include the following
- Application Processing- We evaluate students’ chances of securing admission with to respect to admission requirements, students’ knowledge and skills, availability of funds and when to apply. Usually applications for Fall (Sept) semester starts by February and Spring (Jan) semester, starts by June of the previous year.
- Selection of Universities Based on Specific Criterion. In our bid to secure admission for our students/candidates, we simply do not apply to any university arbitrarily just because it is the USA or UK, we do thorough research to ensure that such universities meet our admission selection criterion such as
- Demography and multi-racial integration
- Crime rate – Our desire is to ensure that our clients are not exposed to an area with high crime rate.
- Accreditation – We only apply to universities that are accredited.
- Scholarship- The financial burden to study abroad can be quite enormous. As such; we source for full or partial scholarship for our clients to mitigate the huge financial demand on them. So far, we have been able to record great success with scholarships.
- Visa Application Processing- It is one thing to be offered an admission to study abroad and it is another thing to be issued a study visa. So we guide our clients through every step of the way, by processing their visa application and training them on the visa interview. In the end we can assure them of a successful visa issuance to study abroad.
NOTE: All payments should be made at the Accounts Department of Obiye Academy, 137 Abuloma Road, Port Harcourt. Contact us by email: contact@obiyeacademy.com or sese.forsbery@obiyeacademy.com Contact us by Phone: +447784491731/+2348030990629/+2348064578594.